Quality and R.E.A.L.

Rennert keeping it R.E.A.L

The Rennert Experiential Approach to Language, or R.E.A.L, is a unique method developed by Cesar Rennert that prioritizes communication through experience! Using this technique, teachers get students speaking from the very first class. However, NOT only do we get students speaking, but we also help students to experience language, through real life, authentic materials and context, this means that our students live the language from day one.


Rennert classroom with a teacher engaging two students


This makes our learning more purposeful, rewarding and effective. This methodology expands learning outside of the classroom and recognizes that New York City is also our learning opportunity, we host bi-monthly Experiential Fridays, which takes the learning outside, and introduces the city to all. We also offer teacher led activities, excursions, networking and internships, and more, with a fully integrated Activities Calendar.


Rennert classroom with a teacher holding an 'Intelligent Business' coursebook

Break the Language Barrier ® with Rennert


Levels of English




Activities Offered


Nationalities Represented

Rennert's Experiential Approach to Languages, (R.E.A.L) starts with the basic premise that language is living and can be experienced in and out of the classroom. At Rennert, our students do most of the speaking and our teachers become facilitators, guides and work with the students to build their accuracy and fluency. Being located in New York City means we have thousands of ways to take out learning out of the classroom and watch our students rapidly progress.

— Leslie Dugger, Director of Studies

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